How to Write a Speculative Job Application Email That Will Get a Response

How to Write a Speculative Job Application Email That Will Get a Response

How to Write a Speculative Job Application Email That Will Get a Response

If you are used to completing job applications via online forms, you may be surprised to learn that sending job applications via email is still quite common. When hiring managers are being snowed under with applications each day, however, it is essential that you stand out when making a speculative application. Here are our top tips on how to make sure your job application email receives a positive response:


  1. Personalise your email application


Once you’ve identified a company you would like to make a speculative application to, research the company including its mission statement and the name of a contact you can get in touch with. Highlighting how the ethos of the organisation matches your own values and ambitions and addressing your message to a real person will help distinguish your email from the multitude of generalised, arbitrary emails received every week.


2. Capture the recipient’s attention


Even if the company doesn’t have anything available at the time of your email, it may be that they wish to contact you at a later date if something suitable does come up; make it easy for them to find you. When hiring managers are searching through masses of candidate emails you want them to be able to find you quickly so ensure everything about your email is signposted. Your attachments and subject should clearly be labelled as an application and with your name; the name of the desired position (and, if you have seen a specific role you would like to apply for, a vacancy reference number). 


If you were recommended for the company or position by a mutual contact, be sure to clearly mention them to boost your chances of advancing to the next stage of application.


3. Be polite


Remember you are communicating with a person with your email so don’t forget to be polite and formal. Begin with a greeting and then continue with an introductory paragraph explaining your situation and how you came to reach out. Including a compliment about the organisation will demonstrate your enthusiasm and help to further personalise your message. Finally, remember to thank the person for their time, it will go a long way.


4. Market yourself


Whilst it doesn’t make sense to rewrite your CV verbatim, it’s a good idea to highlight qualifications and experience you have that are relevant to the company/position so that the recipient of your email has a reason to open your attachments. Keep it brief so as not to lose your reader’s hard-won attention and personalised, explaining how you will be the perfect fit for their organisation.


5. Call to action


What are you expecting in response to this email? A call? An email with details of the next steps? State that you are looking forward to this to encourage the intended outcome. 


6. Clear contact details


Make it as easy as possible for someone to contact you about any opportunities that might be relevant to you by clearly leaving your up to date contact details.


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